Sunday, September 25, 2005

I have been paying more attention to the media and advertising, and it's amazing what you'll see if you just look! What has struck me the most is how advertisers will use a woman's body in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with their product and shouldn't have anything to do with selling it. My favorite that i've seen lately is at Planet Tan. There's a picture of a woman's stomach and the words accross it say "In the bar, no one will notice your GPA". Isn't that crazy? There's a couple more funny ones there but you get the idea.
I thought the video "Killing Us Softly part 30 (or whatever it was)" was interesting, but it did cross my mind that maybe she was trying too hard to find something wrong with all the ads. Some of the arguments she was making I didn't really see in the ads. I could see where she was coming from, but she was working a little too hard to make her point. However it was still really interesting and after noticing things myself, I definately understand how much of a problem this is.


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